Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Almond Butter

Almonds have been on sale where I live. I decided to make a batch of almond butter for fun. I spread the bag of almonds $3.99 on a baking sheet and roasted them at 350F until the aroma filled the room. Remove from the baking sheet and place in a food processor with 1/4 cup of peanut oil or any other oil you hav lying around the house. Add 1/4 cup of sweetner and puree in your food processor for approximately 5 minutes. You may have to add more oil and push the nuts back into the mixing bowl. when done transfer to a plastic container and stick in the fridge to cool.

The almond butter will firm up when it has cooled. Sometimes you will have to stir it to blend the oils that may have seperated.  I like mine on an english muffin.


Day 3 36 Meals for $30

Day 3

The adults started with ¾ cup of quick oats, brown sugar and raisins. To my surprise, there was some extra quick oats. If we ran out of the other foods we could always have a breakfast meal for dinner ( we did it yesterday). For the kids I made a half batch of pancakes (6) and used the last of the home made apple syrup and also brought out the apple slices I had boiled to make the apple syrup. The boiled apple slices were very sweet and can be used to to eat as a topping on pancakes. We have made it through breakfast on the last day and I still have two whole eggs. Lunch was little bit on the lighter side as we had a nice simple but large salad. Most of the leftover vegetables such as iceberg lettuce, green leaf lettuce, carrots, celery, cucumber etc... were used to make the salad.