Tuesday, March 8, 2011

BBQ Pork Pizza

BBQ Pork and veggie pizza with quick oats

To make it we start with 1 cup of cold filtered water that we will heat in the microwave. Warm water from the tap has a metallic taste. Add 1 tablespoon of yeast and let sit until it begins to look foamy or cloudy depending on your yeast.

Next add two cups of flour and 1/3rd cup of quick oats to the wet ingredients and mix with a fork. When everything is well mixed, you should have a ball of dough, if not add a little more flour. Next, flour the counter with extra flour and run your fingers through the flour to spread it out. Dump the wet ball of dough on the counter and flour your hands so the dough does not stick to you.

Knead the dough to form a nice ball, set aside and cover with damp towel. If you look closely at the picture you will see little flakes of quick oats. These will soften to match the texture of cooked pizza crust when you are done.

I am all about the leftover and today we have leftover BBQ pork which has been cut thin with a good sharp knife. For vegetables, chopped red onion, green pepper and sliced olives.

While the dough continues to rest I use my mini blender to make the tomato sauce. This is real easy, slice a tomato add some oregano, garlic and onion powder. Pour a little olive oil and blend. You will have a nice pink sauce.

Now to work the dough. I do it by hand but I do not toss it like they do in pizza restaurants because the mes would be to big to clean up. I roll it with a rolling pin to create the general shape of the pan I will cook it in. In this case I am using a 14 x 11 cookie sheet.

Oil the cookie sheet with any oil you chose. Place the pizza dough on the cookie sheet and finish stretching the dough to fit. Spread your sauce over the entire pizza using a large spoon then begin adding your toppings. We usually place the meat first, then cheese and followed up with the vegetables.

Bake in your oven at 500F for 10 minutes, turn the heat down to 400F and wait for the crust to turn dark brown.
After you remove the pizza from the oven wait about 5 – 8 minutess before cutting the pizza so the toppings do not slide off.

All that is left to do is enjoy your home made high quality pizza!
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